"Dear Mr. Bush" On Neil Young's Site

Aloha, cousins -

I'm still in Ohio, visiting with friends after SEODfest '06, which went extremely well. I was alerted to the fact that "Dear Mr. Bush", which I submitted to Neil Young's "Living With War" site, had appeared on the page as a new tune, I think this was yesterday.

Today, as of 11 a.m., the tune has gone from somewhere in the 800's to #248! That is effin' WILD! All I can say is, it's an honor to be included in a roster of such passionate music and I hope y'all get a chance to hear some of these tunes, as they truly reflect the conviction, the outrage and the hope that America is feeling across the board right about now. Spread the word to all of your music-and-peace-loving friends; and if you haven't heard Neil's latest release - do yourself a favor; get it, borrow it, and listen to it straight through. It'll carve a place in your heart, that's for sure!
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